Puppy Tales

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Right before Christmas, we were blessed with the opportunity to rescue a wonderful beagle through the Northern California Beagle Rescue. These puppies were used for laboratory testing at a facility in the San Jose area. We found out two days prior that the facility was releasing eight male beagles. My sister (visiting from Wisconsin) and I, made the four hour trip North to foster and adopt one of beagle boys. It was such an exciting moment, I could hardly wait! Those four hours in the car could not go fast enough.

Once at the holding facility, which was a local veterinarians office, we were introduced to each beagle. They were shy, awkward, and very unsure. Each one had a slightly different personality, yet only known by the federal identification number tattooed to the inside of their ear. I know people say that animals choose you, but it wasn't until meeting the eighth beagle, that I knew this to be true. 

Jackson came bounding out the door and straight into my lap, putting his two front paws on my chest and kissing my nose. It was love at first sight! There was no question he would be coming home with us and our lives have never been the same. He has fit in so well with our family and loves his beagle sister, Penny. It hasn't been easy. There are aspects that can be challenging, but it is all worth it in the end. There's nothing Jackson needs more than love and patience.

Even though I will never know the details of his life as a research animal, I do know that he was not allowed to be a real dog. He had never seen grass, the sun, cars, or even cats! Whenever he sees (or hears!) new things he'll stop in his tracks, pause and cock his head to side, trying to figure everything out. Seeing the world through this little boy has given me a new outlook on life. Like Jack, I pause to take it all in. 

Jackson (aka Jack) The sweetest, bravest, gentlest puppy around. 

The only name, Jackson ever knew. A constant reminder of his past.

Please, think of Jack the next time you're out shopping and stop to see if that product is Cruelty-Free. 

Jack and I thank you!


Re-Lilly said...

Awww, I love this blog! You have a big heart. Jack is adorable! I am always conscience of buying cruelty free! Good for you for spreading awareness. xx

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