The Stepford Project

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Welcome to anyone that may be reading my blog! The new year has settled in, and this is the perfect time to begin my project. What started as a humorous idea, evolved into a full on mission. It's a mission to research and discover, through trial and error, all the domestic (and some *not so domestic*) duties one might find in and around the home. Modern life may have driven most women out of the house and into careers, but it's my goal to find the delicate balance between modern women and the Stepford wife. Thus began the idea of The Stepford Project.

Just a quick overview of the site that was so wonderfully designed by Carolyn V., currently there are links to quickly access recipes, household management, and my etsy shop (I'll be adding some great home items very soon!). If for any reason you would like to contact me with any tips, tricks, or suggestions for future topics please do not hesitate to do so! I would love to hear any ideas, this is all a learning process and I could use as much help as possible. In order to make this project a success I need motivation to continue posting, which will entice me to continue learning. So spread the love, folks!

Cheers to new beginnings!


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